Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rodrigo one ever comments on my blog...except for my good friend Rodrigo. I wondered if someone would ever notice. Thanks Megan for being the one.

PS...don't tell Randy


Kimberly said...

I'm usually good about commenting but I haven't been lately. I will be better!

Glad you've had Rodrigo to be your friend in the meantime =)

Kelli Salter said...

I don't get it...

Ann said...

Kelli...go to old posts and check out the comments on "But Wait More Fun"

Kelli Salter said...

Seriously? Is that for real? Or was that Megan? I'm still confused...

Ann said...

Seriously...for real. I was touched that he cared.

Ashley said...

Ann, we'd all like to know who Rodrigo is. He looks like a hottie.

Nathan said...

Rodrigo looks like he's from Brazil - he loves your blog but he wants to sell you his personal T-shirts as well. Or is Rodrigo our long lost 5th brother?