Thursday, August 16, 2007

Got Tortilla Chips?

Since it is so dreadfully quiet here I drove to my favorite farm in Duchess County and bought 2 boxes of tomatoes and then stirred up a little home made salsa to replenish my completely depleted supply.


Kimberly said...

A "little" home made salsa? I would love to see a "big" batch.

I asked Ethan today who his friends are and he immediately responded "Grammy and Papa." He is SO excited that you are coming to visit soon!

PapaRandy said...

Come and visit our home and you to can share the salsa!

*megan said...

Hey, can we have a jar delivered to our house sometime this week? Thanks.
Looking forward to seeing you! The boys can't wait for a week with Grammy.

Nic said...

ummm....Do you take mail orders?

Ann said...

No...but "Come and get it!"