Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oh the Weather Outside was Frightful...

Today we had our first "significant" snowfall of the season. Nathan and Megan should be coming this year for the "White Christmas". Todd and Ashley got dumped on big time in Boston. We're expecting a "Noreaster" on Sunday so the fun is not over yet. And it was 73 degrees (down from 80) in North Carolina today. The weather is always beautiful in southern California and's going to be a white Christmas in NY. And that's your weather report from Grammy Ice Cream Cone


Kelli Salter said...

The question is, what time did Dad get home from work?

Ann said...

Dad left work around 3 and, since he "knows the secret routes", he was home after 4. He abandoned his BMW at the top of the driveway where we found it this morning caked in ice and snow. Got our exercise clearing the driveway and walks. We have our big party tomorrow night before the Nor'Easter hits.

Nathan said...

put an order in for snow the next time we come

Ashley said...

We love it! We're hoping for a little more over the holiday so we can sled down that driveway.