Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas in New York

We enjoyed a wonderful holiday this season in New York with Todd, Ashley, Ben, Toby, Jared, Kelli and Scarlett. Besides the usual food fest, we sharpened our skills on the Wii, played some Catch Phrase and Settlers, cleaned our neighbors driveway, did some sledding on the slippery slope, acted out the nativity, took a road trip to Washington DC and on to North Carolina to visit Jason, Kim, Ethan and Colin. Nic and Meagan joined us for the New Year's celebration. We did a girl's outing to see a tear jerker movie and a guy's outing to see a horror movie. We celebrated Jared and Toby's birthday and just loved being together. Here are a few of the highlights:

Deicing Vitaly's driveway.

Feeding the Troops

Away in a Manger

Cuties by the Fire

More cuties by the fire

Waiting for the Train in DC

Scarlett the World Traveler

Ben and Mom at the Washington Monument


*megan said...

It was fun to see the photos! You guys packed in a whole lot of fun it sounds like. We are looking forward to seeing you this week.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog

Nathan said...

we missed out