Monday, March 24, 2008

Amazing Action Filled Vacation

Randy and I returned on the Red Eye to New York last night and both agreed that we need a vacation to recover from our vacation...even though we had a blast. Here is a summary of our aggressive itinerary:

Sunday 16th: Left home at 4 am, flew to Vegas, drove to St. George with Rick and family, had Sunday dinner at Randy's parent's home with Steve and Peggy's families, and returned to Vegas. Up 23 hours.

Family Bonding

Nice to see Josh and Rachel

Steve is animated about family history

Aunt Karen is really showing her age!

Monday 17th: Randy spent the day at the Halloween Show at the Venetian. I shopped, saw a movie and met him for lunch. Enjoyed a gourmet Japanese dinner with the Bells and Nicole from Amscan and then saw the 10 pm "Beatles Love" at the Mirage.

Tuesday 18th: Went reference shopping and flew to Salt Lake City. Drove to Layton and visited Judy's family. Enjoyed a great barbecue served on a garbage can lid with Judy, Randy, Rachel and her financee Tyler. Spent the night at Paul and Julie's.

Wednesday 19th: Nice morning visit and breakfast at Pauls then off to Provo for Yodigity lunch, meetings and dinner. I relaxed at Sundance with Lauren and Leslie and kids. We stayed the night on the mountain.

The Mountain Folk

Thursday 20th: Woke up to a snowstorm. Spent the day visiting potential Yodigity sites and hanging out at BYU. Visited the new Hinkley building and bookstore. Drove to Alpine to see Kris and Brooke's families and back to Provo to enjoy dinner at Tucanos with Kris and Mike. Spent the night in Alpine.

Friday 21st: Up at 2:30 am PST to catch a flight to Vegas/San Diego. Rented a car and drove to Palm Desert to visit with Nathan and family who had access to a beatiful time share condo on a golf course. Spent the afternoon at the pool enjoying the sun and watching Gavin and Miles go up and down the slide. All you can eat dinner at Ruby's. Crashed by 10 pm.

Fearless Harris Boys

Miles and Gavin were up and down the waterslide 100 times. Gavin was too fast to photo!

Saturday 22nd: Drove from Palm Desert to Oceanside over the top of the mountain which was spectacular with greenery and wild flowers...the result of fire and rain.
Toured Max and Abby's club houses and Ryan's new offices. Took Max, Abby and Charlie to Orange for the "Love Fest" reunion at the skating rink. Lots of fun to see everyone and their cute little families. Back to Oceanside and out for sushi and a night with Ryan and Leanne.

Exploring the "lower 40" with Papa

The Dragon's Mouth near the Clubhouse

The Firm With a View

Sunday 23rd: We had fun watching the kids egg searching and scavenger hunting. After a Easter morning breakfast, drove to Aliso Creek to go to church with Nathan and Ryan's families. Gathered at Nathan's home for a delicious Easter dinner before heading to San Diego to catch our flight to New York via Salt Lake.

Decorating Easter Eggs

Men with a Common Mission

Possibly more information than anyone wanted...but hope you enjoyed the pictorial highlights.


Harris Beach Bums said...

It was really fun to see you guys but way too short! Glad to hear you made it home safe. I hope you took a long nap after that trip :)

Kelli Salter said...

Sounds and looks like it was a great trip!

Nathan said...

Great play by play action. Come again.